
The Bond 1786 is named after the first settler in the Warrensburg area, William Bond. Bond settled in town in 1786; Echo Lake, a local swimming and fishing pond was originally named after him, Bond Pond. Almost 50 years after Bond settled, Stephen Griffin II, a prominent lumberman who owned extensive mill properties and timber lands built the first residence on the current property. In 1880 Griffen built a tannery in Hamilton County near the town of Wells. In 1875 Griffin became a member of the state legislature and twice held office of town supervisor here in Warrensburg.

Stephen Griffin II was named for his grandfather Stephen Griffin I. Stephen Griffin I was born Jan 22, 1754 and died March 1, 1841. As a young man he served in the Army of the Revolution with the rank of Ensign. In the winter of 1780 he was stationed at Valley Forge when a welcome change came on May 29th as his brigade was ordered to proceed to Albany. They were then ordered to march to West Point at once. There, in September, Stephen was an actor in one of the most dramatic episodes of the Revolution, the “Treason of Benedict Arnold” and “The capture and execution of Major Andre.” His part was to guard Joshua Smith, the man who made the secret meeting possible between Arnold and Andre. The following excerpt from Stephen’s journal is an exact copy and the language and spelling are his…

Munday Camp Orange town Septr 25 1780
this evening the whole of the armey was under arms about 12 oClock at Night and Everything in Readeness to March at a Moments Warning Genl Wain (Wayne) Marched with his Brigade and all the Pennsylvania troops and we was informed that Genl Arnold had sold West Point and all the Stores and that our People had taken the Adit Gen’l (Andre) of the British armey as a spie and Gen’l Arnold hearing of the Maid his escape to New York as he had sold the fort for three Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling

Munday Camp Octr 2 1780 Orange town this day at 12 o’clock the Adj’t Gen’l was hanged there was two battalions attended his Execution as well as a great Number of Spectators…

Stephen Griffin I’s journal was recovered and restored by Mary Griffin Merrill (another owner of the property).